Weekend Warriors vs. Regular Exercisers: Are Weekend-Only Workouts Just as Effective?

Weekend Warriors vs. Regular Exercisers: Are Weekend-Only Workouts Just as Effective?

A recent study suggests that “weekend warriors”—people who exercise only on weekends—may experience similar health benefits to those who spread out their workouts over the week. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital examined data from around 90,000 individuals in the UK who wore wrist accelerometers to track their physical activity levels and timing.

The study, published in Circulation, classified participants as weekend warriors, regular exercisers, or inactive based on how much moderate-to-vigorous activity they completed, with inactive people doing less than 150 minutes per week. The researchers analyzed links between activity levels and 678 health conditions, spanning 16 disease categories, including mental health and neurological disorders.

The findings revealed that both weekend warriors and regular exercisers had a reduced risk of over 200 conditions compared to inactive individuals. Particularly, the study highlighted lower risks for diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. For high blood pressure, weekend warriors had a 23% reduced risk, while regular exercisers saw a 28% lower risk over six years. For diabetes, the risk reduction was 43% and 46%, respectively.

Dr. Shaan Khurshid, a co-senior author and faculty member at the Demoulas Center for Cardiac Arrhythmias, emphasized that the study supports the idea that the total amount of physical activity, rather than its distribution, may be more important for health. He noted that weekend exercise can significantly lower the risk of many conditions, including heart and kidney diseases, as well as mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, confirming similar findings from earlier research published in Nature Aging.


  • Weekend Warriors: Staying Active Only on Weekends
  • A “weekend warrior” is someone who only exercises on the weekends, instead of spreading their workouts across the week. These people may be busy with work or school during the week, so they fit all their physical activity into just two days. Even though it might seem like you need to work out every day to stay healthy, that’s not always true!
  • Why is Physical Activity Important?
  • Being physically active is super important for your overall health. Exercise helps keep your heart healthy, your muscles strong, and your body fit. It also improves your mood and can reduce stress. Whether it’s going for a run, playing sports, or even dancing, moving your body can help you live a healthier and happier life.
  • New Study from Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Recently, a study from Massachusetts General Hospital found something surprising. It showed that you don’t have to exercise every day to be healthy. In fact, you can still get the same benefits if you exercise only on the weekends, like weekend warriors do! This study challenges the idea that you need to spread out your workouts evenly during the week.
  • What This Article is About
  • In this article, we’re going to explore the findings of this new study. We’ll look at the health benefits of weekend-only workouts and why being a weekend warrior might work for you. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can stay fit, even if you’re only exercising two days a week!

What Are Weekend Warriors?

Let me tell you about something called “weekend warriors.” These are people who only exercise on weekends instead of doing it every day or spreading their workouts throughout the week. I actually know someone like this—my uncle. He works a super busy job from Monday to Friday, and he barely has time to relax, let alone exercise. But on Saturday and Sunday, it’s like he turns into a whole different person! He goes for long runs, plays soccer with his friends, and hits the gym. That’s what makes him a weekend warrior.

Now, regular exercisers are people who try to fit some kind of physical activity into their daily routine. They might do yoga in the mornings, take a walk during lunch, or go to the gym after school or work. The big difference between them and weekend warriors is that they spread their workouts evenly across the week. Weekend warriors, on the other hand, cram all their exercise into two days.

Why Do Some People Become Weekend Warriors?

There are a lot of reasons why some people can only exercise on the weekends. For starters, many of them have really busy schedules during the week. Think about it: if you have school, homework, or even a part-time job, there might not be much time left for working out. Adults have similar problems—they have work, meetings, and other responsibilities that make it tough to exercise every day. My uncle, for example, spends most of his week in meetings and working late, so he can only squeeze in workouts on the weekends.

Some people are also tired after a long day and just want to relax. So, instead of trying to force themselves to exercise when they’re exhausted, they wait for the weekend when they have more energy and free time. Being a weekend warrior works perfectly for them!

In the next section, we’ll find out if exercising only on weekends is really good for your health. You’ll be surprised at what some scientists have recently discovered!

Key Findings from the Study

Let’s dive into something super cool that scientists discovered! A study was done by Massachusetts General Hospital, and it gave us some interesting answers about weekend warriors. I remember reading about it, and it really surprised me.

How Did They Track the Participants?

So, the researchers wanted to see how different types of people exercise and what impact that has on their health. To do this, they tracked a bunch of people—over 90,000, which is a huge number! They gave the participants wrist accelerometers, which are like fancy fitness trackers. These little gadgets recorded every bit of physical activity, from a morning jog to climbing the stairs. It’s kind of like having a Fitbit or Apple Watch that tells you how much you’ve been moving.

Who Were the Participants?

The study grouped people into three categories: weekend warriors, regular exercisers, and people who didn’t exercise much at all. The weekend warriors were those who did all their exercise on just two days (usually Saturday and Sunday). The regular exercisers spread their workouts more evenly throughout the week, like a little bit each day. And then, there were the inactive individuals, who didn’t do much physical activity at all.

How Long Did the Study Last?

This study wasn’t a quick one. The researchers tracked these people over a long period of time to see how their exercise habits affected their health. They were also keeping an eye on a huge set of data, looking at over 678 health conditions that fall into 16 different disease categories. These conditions included heart problems, cancer, and even mental health issues.

The results were surprising and exciting! You might think that exercising only on weekends wouldn’t be as healthy as working out regularly, but this study found that weekend warriors can still get big health benefits.

In the next section, I’ll share more about the specific health benefits these weekend warriors experienced. Trust me, it’s really interesting!

The Health Benefits of Weekend Workouts

  • Now here’s the part that really surprised me—the health benefits! You’d think that working out only on weekends wouldn’t be as good as exercising all week, right? Well, that’s what I thought too. But according to this study, weekend warriors actually experience similar health benefits to regular exercisers!

What Did the Study Find?

  • The study showed that weekend warriors, just like those who work out every day, had a lower risk of some pretty serious health problems. For example, weekend warriors had a 23% lower risk of getting high blood pressure, while regular exercisers had a 28% lower risk. That’s not much of a difference!
  • When it comes to diabetes, weekend warriors had a 43% lower risk, compared to regular exercisers who had a 46% lower risk. That’s almost the same! It’s amazing that exercising for only two days a week can still give you these awesome health benefits.

Not Just a Few Diseases—Over 200!

  • And it’s not just about blood pressure and diabetes. Both weekend warriors and regular exercisers had lower risks for more than 200 different diseases! This includes mental health conditions like depression, neurological issues like Alzheimer’s, and even digestive disorders. So, whether you’re jogging, biking, or playing sports, getting moving on the weekends can really improve your health in lots of ways.
  • So, if you’ve got a busy schedule during the week, don’t worry—you can still keep your body healthy by being active on the weekends. In the next part, we’ll look at how you can make the most out of your weekend workouts. Stay tuned for some great tips!

Why Total Activity Matters More Than Timing

Here’s something that really changed how I think about exercise: it’s not so much when you work out, but how much you do! Dr. Shaan Khurshid, one of the main researchers from the study, had a really cool point. He said that the total amount of exercise you get matters more than whether you spread it out over the week or just do it on the weekend.

What Does This Mean?

This means that if you’re a weekend warrior, you’re still getting major health benefits, just like someone who exercises every day—as long as the amount of exercise you do is enough. There are recommended guidelines for physical activity, like 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week (that’s about 2.5 hours). Whether you spread that out over five days or do it all on Saturday and Sunday, it’s still good for your health!

Dr. Khurshid put it perfectly. He said, “It’s not the timing of the exercise that matters most—it’s the total volume of physical activity that counts.” So, even if you’re super busy during the week, you can still improve your health by exercising on the weekend.

Good News for Busy People!

This is awesome news for people who have jam-packed schedules. Maybe you have school, homework, or after-school activities that keep you from working out every day. Or maybe your parents are like my uncle—super busy with work from Monday to Friday. Well, Dr. Khurshid’s study shows that it’s totally okay to dedicate time on the weekends to exercise and still see great health outcomes.

So, if you don’t have time to hit the gym or go for a run during the week, don’t stress! As long as you’re getting in your total exercise, even if it’s just on the weekend, your body will thank you. In the next section, I’ll share some tips on how to make your weekend workouts fun and effective!

Specific Health Conditions Impacted

Now let’s talk about the amazing impact that weekend warrior workouts can have on specific health conditions. I was really surprised by how much exercising just on the weekends can help! It’s not just about staying fit—it’s also about preventing some serious health problems.

Cardiovascular Health

First up, let’s talk about your heart. Weekend warriors had a much lower risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Heart disease is a major problem for lots of people, but just by getting active on the weekends, you can keep your heart strong and healthy. It’s like giving your heart a boost every time you go for a run or play a sport. Even if you’re not exercising every day, you’re still lowering the risk of heart-related issues, which is pretty awesome!


Here’s another big one—diabetes. The study showed that weekend warriors had a significant reduction in their risk of developing diabetes, just like regular exercisers. Diabetes is a condition where your body has trouble managing blood sugar, and it can cause all sorts of problems. But with regular weekend workouts, your body stays healthier, and your risk of getting diabetes goes way down.

Kidney Disease

Even your kidneys can benefit! The study found that weekend warriors had a lower risk of kidney disease compared to people who didn’t exercise much at all. Kidneys help clean your blood and get rid of waste, so keeping them healthy is super important. It’s amazing that just a couple of days of exercise each week can make such a big difference.

Mental Health

It’s not just your body that benefits—your mental health gets better too! Weekend warriors had lower rates of depression and anxiety. In fact, earlier research published in Nature Aging also confirmed that exercise can seriously improve your mood and mental well-being. So, when you’re out there playing sports or running around on the weekend, it’s not just your muscles and heart that get stronger—your mind feels better too.

Physical and Mental Health Together

These findings are really exciting because they show that exercise isn’t just good for one part of your body—it helps both your physical and mental health. Whether you’re protecting your heart, lowering your risk of diabetes, or boosting your mood, weekend workouts can do it all!

In the next section, I’ll give you some tips on how to start your own weekend warrior routine and make the most of it!

Practical Tips for Weekend Warriors

Hey there! If you’re someone who only has the weekends to work out, don’t worry—you can still get a lot done! Let me share a few things I’ve learned from my own experience as a weekend warrior. I know how tough it can be to squeeze exercise into a busy schedule, but with the right approach, you can make those two days count.

Maximize Efficiency: Make Every Minute Count!

When your workout time is limited to just the weekends, it’s important to focus on exercises that give you the most bang for your buck. Instead of spending hours at the gym, try high-intensity workouts that engage multiple muscle groups. For example, exercises like squats, burpees, or push-ups work different parts of your body at once. It’s like hitting multiple targets with one arrow! These exercises don’t just save time, they help you burn more calories and build strength faster.

I’ve found that circuits—where you move quickly from one exercise to another—are super effective. You can do a 20-30 minute session that feels like an hour because of how intense it is. Trust me, you’ll feel the burn, but it’s worth it!

Consistency: The Magic Ingredient

This might sound simple, but the biggest tip I can give is to stay consistent. Even though you’re only working out on the weekends, it’s important to keep at it every weekend. The more you stick to it, the better your results will be. Sure, life gets in the way sometimes, but if you can make your workouts a habit, they’ll start to feel like just another part of your routine.

I remember when I first started, I missed a few weekends and thought, “It’s no big deal.” But I quickly realized that skipping workouts makes it harder to get back into the rhythm. So, whether it’s sunny or rainy, make sure you carve out some time for your body—it’ll thank you later!

Avoid Overexertion: Don’t Push Too Hard Too Soon

One of the mistakes I made early on was pushing myself too hard, too fast. I’d try to cram in a week’s worth of exercise into two days, and guess what? I ended up sore and exhausted, and sometimes even injured. If you’re just starting out, be careful with the intensity of your workouts. It’s tempting to go all-out, but you want to avoid overexertion.

Start slow and build up gradually. If you’re doing high-intensity exercises, give yourself enough breaks in between sets. It’s not about how fast you can go; it’s about doing the exercises correctly and listening to your body. If something hurts, stop! There’s no point in pushing through pain and risking an injury that could keep you sidelined for weeks.

Balance with Rest: Recovery is Key

Finally, don’t forget to rest and recover. Even though you’re working out on the weekends, recovery is just as important as the workout itself. Make sure to stretch before and after exercising, and if you feel particularly sore, take time to do some light activity like walking or yoga. This helps your muscles recover and prevents you from feeling too stiff.

I also try to get good sleep and stay hydrated throughout the week. Proper rest helps your muscles rebuild and grow stronger. So while you might not be lifting weights or doing squats during the week, you can still take care of your body by sleeping well and drinking plenty of water. That way, when the weekend comes, you’re ready to go!

Final Thoughts

Being a weekend warrior is totally doable if you plan it right. Focus on high-intensity, efficient exercises, stay consistent, don’t overdo it, and always balance your workouts with recovery. It’s all about finding the right balance for your body and making the most out of your limited time. Keep pushing, stay motivated, and enjoy the process—it’s worth it!

So, are you ready to make the weekends count?

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So, here’s the main takeaway from everything we’ve talked about: even if you’re super busy and can only work out on the weekends, you can still get the same health benefits as someone who exercises more regularly. That’s pretty awesome, right? You just need to make sure you’re getting the recommended amount of physical activity, which means making the most of your time when you do have it.

Being a weekend warrior is a great option for those of us with jam-packed schedules. It’s proof that you can take care of your health, even if you don’t have much free time during the week. So, if you’re feeling guilty about not going to the gym every day or not having time for long workouts, don’t stress about it! The weekend is your chance to catch up and still keep your body in great shape.

Get Started Today!

The best part? You can start right now! No more waiting around or thinking you need to be a fitness expert to start working out. All it takes is a little commitment, some smart planning, and consistency. Whether you enjoy running, lifting weights, or doing bodyweight exercises at home, you can easily fit physical activity into your weekends and see real results over time.

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